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Understanding the Reasons Why You Get Nervous Everybody gets nervous.
A certain level of nervousness is natural and acceptable, and it may even help you perform a bit better. It's true, at a Job Interview you have a lot on the line. There are very good reasons for you to want to perform at your best -- just don't let “performance anxiety” get in the way of you communicating naturally and putting your best foot forward. Sweating. Butterflies. Shakiness. Tight throat. Fast pulse. These are uncomfortable symptoms that impact your confidence level at a time when confidence is crucial. Controlling these symptoms begins with an understanding of the reasons why you get nervous before a Job Interview. The reasons why people get nervous:
1) A lack of understanding of the connection between mind and body.
It's the thoughts in your mind that make your body sweat or shake when you get nervous. Control your thoughts and you can stop uncomfortable feelings in your body. Move your body in certain ways, and you can stop the negative thoughts in your mind. See the “9-step Exercise” in part-two.
2) Negative thinking.
Worry does not accomplish anything. People never worry about positive things -- they only worry about negative things. You can then let go of worry if you replace your negative thoughts with positive thoughts. Try this: before you go into your Job Interview make a short list of positive things. Positive things about yourself, about your skills & abilities, about your personality. Things that will make you feel better and more confident. Perhaps some happy moments from your past. Write these things down, and consider taping to the piece of paper a picture of your family, your grandmother, your children, your favorite relaxing vacation spot, or the new car you'll be able to afford when you get the job. Keep this in your pocket or in your purse when you go in to the Interview. Whatever you do, catch yourself whenever you start engaging in “negative thinking,” and purposefully replace those poison thoughts with positive, confident thoughts.
3) Poor self-image, low self-esteem.
Nobody is a “super person” who has no faults. Don't beat yourself up! The company has a need, and you can fill that need -- warts and all. The company is showing confidence in you already, otherwise you would not have been invited to the Interview. Just the fact alone that you got the Interview should boost your self-image and self-esteem. Think positively about yourself!
4) Improper valuation of your own abilities.
You are probably better and worth more than you think. From time to time you may have heard other people belittle themselves by saying “I'm no good at this” when it is clear to you that they are plenty good, or very close to being good. Give yourself and your abilities more credit.
5) Insufficient skills required for the job you are interviewing for.
Maybe you really don't have the level of skills required for the job. If this is the case, think positively. Do you think everyone starts their first day on the job as a total expert? No. Most people improve their skills after they get hired. Perhaps the company expects you to “learn on the job” to some degree. Remember, your whole goal for the Interview is to get the offer. You can improve your skills AFTER you get the job. Don't worry about it beforehand. Just go for it.
6) Lack of knowledge about the company, industry or job responsibilities.
Of course this would make you nervous. This is a simple one to solve. Do your homework! Spend the time to research the company, products, competitors, etc. Make sure you completely understand thejob description and responsibilities before you go in for your Interview -- AND come prepared with thoughtful questions.
7) Not enough practice at interviewing. Practice makes perfect.
As is suggested in “The Ultimate Guide to Job Interview Answers,” you should stage multiple practice interviews where you have a friend ask you the toughest questions so that you can practice your winning answers. You might also consider interviewing for a couple jobs that you really don't care about, and would turn down if you got the offer -- just to practice and get your game sharp.
8) Mental hang-ups.
Maybe your parents always told you that you were not good enough, or maybe you have an idea about other people and their intentions that is just plain wrong. As hard as it may be, try to keep an open mind and see the future as bright and wide open. This will go a long way in helping you control your nerves.
9) Being a perfectionist.
It is good to strive for greatness, but everything you do does not have to be 100% perfect. If something is not right (for instance, if you spill a bit of coffee on yourself before your interview) then just accept it. Don't dwell on it. Taking something 80% of the way there is often good enough. Don't worry if everything is not EXACTLY how it should be. Just continue to visualize a positive outcome despite any imperfections you notice in yourself, the situation, or other people.
10) Bad health.
You can't perform at your best if you are hung-over, sick, or overtired. When your body is run down, your nerves will get the best of you. Try to exercise several days in a row before critical interviews, and make sure to eat the right meal at the right time and get plenty of rest. You want to get hired, don't you? Take these simple steps to ensure your health is in decent shape.
11) Worry about money, or anything other problems that occupy your mind.
Stay focused. Stay on message. You are trying to sell yourself. The interview is not about you, or your problems. The interview about THE COMPANY'S NEEDS -- and how you will save the company time and money, or how you will make your future boss look good while making his or her job easier. Remember that you are trying to solve the needs of the company, and the work-related needs of the person that you will be reporting to. Put your own personal worries out of your mind during the interview and FOCUS on the company's needs, and the needs of the OTHER PEOPLE who you will be working with. Remember that the interview is really not about you, it's about them.
13) Excessive self-awareness.
Don't “listen to yourself talk.” Don't “watch yourself from the outside.” Don't over-analyze yourself and your performance. Don't obsess on your appearance, your body language, or be overly concerned with how you might be “coming off.” Try to be yourself and communicate as naturally as possible. Imagine that you are having a conversation with a specific close friend of yours. Someone who you are totally comfortable with. Be truly concerned about the OTHER PERSON, not yourself.
14) Unfamiliar surroundings and circumstances.
Maybe you have never worked in a big office before. Or maybe you have never worked in a small office. Or maybe you are are interviewing in an environment that is totally new and unfamiliar to you. Don't let your surroundings distract you! Once again, stay focused, and stay on message. Even if you are freaked out (or intrigued) by what you see, just relax, look alive, and act like you know.
Understanding the Reasons Why You Get Nervous
Guide to interview and success blogspot
Best Interview Tricks and Tips
Jobs offers from All MNC companies