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Thursday, September 11, 2008

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Monday, July 14, 2008

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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Why do you want to work here? - The ultimate guide to job interview questions and success

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Why do you want to work here?

Discussion: Keep your answer opportunity-oriented. Show that you are looking to work hard and contribute, but also talk about the company as being the right place for you for the foreseeable future. Indicate the features of the company you like, and why the work appeals to you. Indicate your skills and experiences that will enableyou to take advantage of the company's features and become a valued employee.
"I want to be part of this company's "X" project. I really think I could contribute to its success. I can handle the mental intensity and put in the hard work that it will take to help make project "X" a success. I believe that I can make a definite contribution to this company’s goals – including the need to increase customer satisfaction, cut costs, and increase revenues. My track record shows I have been able to do this in the past, and I look forward to the opportunity of performing, learning, and being recognized my contribution here. What would be the most important ability for a person to have to succeed in this position?"
"I'd like to say flat out that I really do want to work here! Basically I am looking for the opportunity to perform and be recognized. I think that this company is the right place for me to do that I think it is a good fit for my skills and experience. FOR EXAMPLE, I am VERY interested in your company's "X" project. I want contribute to it and be a part of the success I think it will be. I really think I can benefit this company and your department because of my ability to identify critical tasks and get things done. Project "X" is a great chance for me to shine, don't you think?"
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Knowledge about the Company - The ultimate guide to job interview questions and success

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Interview general questions Asked

What do you know about our company?
What do you know about our competitors?

Discussion: Before you go into the interview, you want to research the company so you know as much as possible about its products, size, quarterly revenues, image, reputation, management, history, philosophy, goals, problems, and competitors. Communicate that you have made a conscious choice to target this company because of the great things that you know about it.
"I know that this company has great products that consumers really like. I also know that the CEO started the company in his one-bedroom apartment in 1979. I admire his leadership style, and I understand that it has resulted in a great work environment here, and a great reputation in the business community. I know that your major competitors in the space include companies "X", "Y", and "Z". I really am quite interested in learning more about this company's forward looking competitive strategy and plans for future growth … Did I mention that I am excited to be here?"
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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Tell me a little bit about yourself.-The Ultimate Guide to Job Interview Questions and Success

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Tell me a little bit about yourself.

Discussion: This seemingly simple question can actually be the most daunting and the most difficult to answer! It is, however, an open ended opportunity to communicate a lot of positive attributes. Keep it short, give a bit of background on yourself, and highlight several acomplishments. Integrate keywords based on desirable Behavioral Competencies. You should show how your career has taken a logical progression – noting how your education helped, if relevant – to where you are now. You should practice this type of "opening statement" until you have it down cold. Practice it until it's perfect!
Cover your 1) early years 2) education 3) work history, and 4) recent
career experience. Remember that this is just a warm-up question.
Don't waste your best points on it.
"Well, I grew up just outside of Chicago and then went to school at the University of Maryland where I studied Political Science and Art History. While I did love Political Science, I always knew that I would need to do something practical, so right out of college I got a job doing "X". Job "X" really tested my stamina and work ethic because I had to work my butt off, but I managed to achieve a lot there and learn a lot about my chosen field. From there I got hired into a more senior position at Company "Y". That's where I really developed my teamwork skills and learned to create and manage budgets as high as $1.5 million dollars. Right now I think that my skills and experience make me a great candidate for a position on your team, and I hope to demonstrate that today. What kind of qualities are you looking for in the ideal candidate for this position?"

Tell me a little bit about yourself.-The Ultimate Guide to Job Interview Questions and Success

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Interview "Don'ts" - The Ultimate Guide to Job interview questions and success

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Interview "Don'ts"

· Don't take your accomplishments for granted.
No matter how small, or how few, your accomplishments are important. Package them and position them so that they demonstrate your desirable Behavioral Competencies and show that you will be successful at your new job. Don’t forget to make your accomplishments measurable in terms of saving time and money, or making your colleagues, clients, and superiors feel more secure, respected and admired.

· Don't be too modest.
Job interviews are not the time to be modest. By all means, don't be cocky or overbearing, but DO make flat out statements like "Based on my skills, and experience with "X," I really do think that I would be a great addition to your team." If anywhere, the job interview is the right time and place to toot your own horn.

· Don't be constrained by official job descriptions.
Your role and responsibilities are often more than your past or future "official titles" may indicate. Think of yourself as equally as important as the Vice President or CEO within your sphere of influence. If you think of yourself as an important person who has a job to do, then others will think of you in the same way. Indicate that you are willing to take on tasks outside the official job description as necessary and appropriate.

· Never volunteer any negative information about yourself.
Don't testify against yourself. If asked your greatest weakness, reply with a weakness you have conquered, or tell the interviewer about a weakness that may actually indicate a strength, like "sometimes I get impatient with teammates who are not as organized as I am." Don't ever describe any job requirement or task that you did not like.

· Don't criticize your former boss or employer.
Talking trash about past jobs, bosses, colleagues or clients never pays off – in interviews and life in general. It is better to be a person who does not gossip or talk trash about other people.

· Don't ever lie.
Don't be dishonest in an interview. It will come back around and get you. You can, however (within reason) exaggerate, omit, be ambiguous if necessary, and talk in superlatives. You are trying to sell yourself, after all. Advertisers have no qualms about making strong claims about their product or service. Do the same for yourself. Put your best foot forward and pump yourself up – but never lie.

· Don't inquire about salary, vacations, or other benefits until after you've received an offer, or when you are close to the offer stage.
It makes sense that you should build your own perceived value as high as you can before you ask for the money. You will be able to price yourself higher this way. However, you must be prepared for a question about your salary requirements. Some interviewers may even ask this up front. Go into every interview with an idea of the probable salary range for the position. Be prepared with an understanding of the market rate for the type of position you are interviewing for. If the subject of salary is brought up and you must address it, then ask for the highest number. ALWAYS ASK FOR WHAT YOU WANT, or you won't get it. You will regret low-balling yourself, so ask for the high number, but make sure it is within the right range so you don't appear stupid or greedy – or price yourself out of the job.

· Don't feel pressured to answer every question.
Sometimes the best answer is "I don't know." If you don't know the answer, say so. You can't know everything. Use times like these as an opportunity to demonstrate your willingness to learn. By all means, do not try to BS something that you know nothing about. Change the subject or answer with a different S.T.A.R. Story if "I don't know" is not in your vocabulary.
Besides these bullet points, just use common sense. Dress and groom appropriately, don’t be late, bring a copy of your resume, don't smell like smoke or food, get a good night's sleep, eat the right meal at the right time, be polite, be relaxed, don't talk about politics or religion, don't stress out excessively, and most importantly – work with this Guide and PRACTICE, PRACTICE, PRACTICE! You are going to ace it!

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About Behavarioul Interview - The Ultimate guide to Job interview questions and success

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About Behavioral Interviewing
Even if an employer has not told you that you will be involved in a Behavioral," "Behavior-Based," or "Situational" Interview, you are still likely to face "Behavioral Interview" style questions. Traditional Interview questions ask you basic questions such as "Tell me a little bit about yourself." The process of Behavioral Interviewing is much more challenging. They will ask you about situations and try to pick apart your answers to see if your behaviors match up with the Desirable Behavioral Competencies they are looking for. They are trying to make a prediction of your future success by understanding how you have handled situations in the past. In a Traditional Interview, you can usually get away with somewhat vague, general answers – or just tell the interviewer what you think he or she wants to hear.
In a Behavioral Interview, on the other hand, they're going to be asking you for very specific examples. They're going to be asking you for details, including names of people, dates, and outcomes. They'll ask you about lengthy projects you've been involved in – how your role evolved, how you handled deadlines, pressures and difficult personalities, how you went about thinking through problems, and how you determined what steps to take, and in what order.
When you give examples from your work experience, the Behavioral Interviewer is going to probe you to try to understand how you think. They are going to start questions with "Tell about a time ..." or "Describe a situation ..." and then they will ask you to elaborate with questions like "So what were you thinking at that point?" or "What was your decision making process?" or "Tell me how the meeting went with that person."
Remember, the core Characteristics / Competencies they will be looking for are:
 Courage / Persuasion
 Beliefs / Ethics
 Commitment
 Work Orientation / Stamina
 Interpersonal Skills / Charm
 Discipline
 Competitiveness
 Focus
 Big Picture Thinking
Additionally, they will be examining your critical thinking skills, willingness to learn, willingness to travel, willingness to sacrifice, selfconfidence, teamwork habits, professionalism, energy, decisiveness, sensitivity, tenacity, work standards, risk-taking orientation, and more.

Don't let this worry you. All you have to do is prepare!!

Yes, it can be difficult to prepare for Behavioral Interview questions because of the huge range of possible situational questions you might be asked. The best way to prepare is to arm yourself with an arsenal of example stories that can be adapted to many Behavioral Questions. This brings us back to S.T.A.R. Statements. Again, if you learn any one single thing from this guide, it should be that you need to write out and develop at least six to eight Personal S.T.A.R. statements, and know them backwards and forwards, in great detail.
Use examples from several different jobs. Also consider using examples from community service, hobbies, church group, or other areas that you think will be relevant to the job at hand. Also use examples of any special accomplishments, or awards you might have received, and try to QUANTIFY your results. Be specific about numbers, dates, and durations! Keep in mind that many Behavioral Interview questions are related to stressful or negative situations – you'll need to be ready with examples of negative, difficult experiences, but try to choose negative experiences that had positive outcomes.

Here's how to prepare:

1) Write down six to eight example situations from your past experience where you demonstrated desirable behaviors and skills that employers look for. What was the Situation? What Action did you take? What was the Result? Add as much detail as possible. Edit and rewrite your examples. This is your Arsenal! Take the time to make it strong. You want to get hired, don't you?

2) Don't be bashful – think of examples that highlight your strongest skills.

3) Half of your accomplishment statements should be totally positive, such as large achievements or accomplishments. The other half should be situations that started out negatively but ended positively.

4) Have some variation in your examples. Don't take them all from just one job. Don't make them all relevant to just one theme.

5) Use fairly recent examples, if you can.

6) In the interview, listen carefully to each question. Pause, and then choose an example story. If you practice, you can learn to tailor a relatively small set of 6 to 8 examples to respond to almost any type of question. This way you successfully "package & spin" your work experience for almost any type of question!
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Saturday, May 17, 2008

About using "FOR EXAMPLE" - The Ultimate guide to job interview questions and success

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About using "FOR EXAMPLE"

"FOR EXAMPLE" is the most important phrase in your job interview arsenal. Don't be afraid of using it frequently as a part of the answer to every question! The more examples you can provide of specific instances where you have demonstrated the characteristics Hiring Managers are looking for – your ability to fill their needs – the more likely you will be hired.
There are two things to be said about using "FOR EXAMPLE," however. First, don't overdo it on the examples. You only need to provide enough examples to satisfy the interviewer, or basically instill the confidence that you will be successful in filling their needs. Don't oversell yourself by giving too many examples! Watch for cues that the interviewer is satisfied that your examples back up your statements or claims. You should also ask questions to probe the effectiveness of the answer.

Ask questions like:

Does that make sense? You follow me? Is that a good example?

•Have I addressed that 100% to your satisfaction?

•Does that answer your question about "X"?

•Do you think that my experience with that type of situation would be relevant to my work here?

•I think that's the kind of experience you are looking to bring to your team, isn't it?

•You would agree that my skills in that area would help me succeed here, wouldn't you?

Most importantly, when you use "FOR EXAMPLE," make sure your examples are specific, measurable, and relevant. You are telling a story. You need to PAINT THE PICTURE. Be specific. Use people's names. Give background info on clients and colleagues, and indicate your role and involvement.
Make the situation as relevant to the Hiring Manager's work as possible and use terms and ideas he or she can understand and relate to. Give dates and measurable information and statistics relating to the time and money you have saved by deploying your Behavioral Competencies on the job. Use gestures and pauses – and don't be afraid of drawing simple charts or diagrams on paper or on a white board. Practice telling these stories! It is your examples or "stories" that people relate to, and it is your examples and stories that will get you hired. Show, don't tell!

When you give examples, use the S.T.A.R. Statement format


Situation / Task
Describe the situation that you were in or the task that you needed to accomplish. Be very specific and give details, but keep it short and concise. Throughout your interview you'll want to make many S.T.A.R. Statements when using "FOR EXAMPLE."

Describe the action you took and be sure to keep the focus on you. Even if you are discussing a group project or effort, describe what YOU did – not the efforts of the team. Don't tell what you MIGHT do, or WOULD do – tell what you DID do. Incorporate Behavioral Competency keywords into the description of your action. (Reread the Behavioral Competency section above to make sure you include some of those terms in your S.T.A.R. Statements).

Describe what you achieved. What happened? How did the event end? What did you accomplish? What did you learn? How did it make people feel? How did you feel? How did your boss feel? How much time and money did you save? Would you say that you solved the problem? Did other people recognize you or commend you for your efforts? Name them specifically.

Your result: How did it GET? GET RID OF? RELIEVE? AVOID? PRESERVE? PROTECT? ENHANCE? IMPROVE? INCREASE? – Use some of these "outcome keywords" when describing your results.

Take the time to develop and practice your S.T.A.R. Statements! You'll want to have AT LEAST 6 to 8 S.T.A.R. Statements at the tip of your tongue when you go into an interview. Create S.T.A.R. Statements from the jobs on your resume that you want to bring attention to. As you use the Statements and Stories as examples, your interviewer will become familiar with the various positions you have held, and will get a good idea of your track record of success in those various positions.

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"Show," Don't "Tell" - The Ultimate Guide to job interview questions and success

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"Show," Don't "Tell"

You may have noticed in the above section that it is suggested that you "show" and "demonstrate" that you have what it takes to fill the Hiring Manager's needs. This is contrasted with simply "telling" the Hiring Manager that you have what it takes. The formula for this is pretty simple:

1) Clarify the interviewer's question.

2) Confidently answer the question by "telling" using two of the above Behavioral Competencies.

3) "Show" that you have demonstrated these competencies in the past by GIVING EXAMPLES.

4) Ask and verify that you have answered the question to the satisfaction of the interviewer.

"So … what you are asking me "X." That is a good question and I am glad you asked. Yes, I definitely have the ability to "Y" and that is because I usually have no problem doing "Z." For example, at my last job I ran into a situation where I "A," but I was able to "B" because of my ability to "Y" and "Z." Does that make sense? Can you see how having the experience of working through that type of situation would make me a good asset to your group?"

A simple answer would then look like this:

"So … you are asking me if I have worked with important accounts before. That is a good question and I am glad you asked. Well, I definitely have the ability to work hard to earn the trust of my clients, and then focus on customer service in order to keep them happy with the business relationship. FOR EXAMPLE, at my last job I was brought in to work with a disgruntled client after another Account Manager left. Although it took a lot of hard work, I was able to fix what was wrong by listening to the client carefully and making sure that we delivered exactly what was expected of us. It took a while, but I was able to rescue the relationship with this important client. Does that make sense? OK. Does that answer your question? Good. I think I could be an asset to your group having worked through this type of experience with an important account. Would you agree?"

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Friday, May 16, 2008

What Hiring Managers Are Looking For

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What Hiring Managers Are Looking For

Whether they know it or not, all Hiring Managers are looking for certain characteristics or "Behavioral Competencies." One of the most important is CONFIDENCE. Now, all of us have made mistakes in the past, and maybe all of your performance reviews have not exactly been "glowing," but the point is not to live your life looking in the rear view mirror. If you know you have made mistakes, and you are working on improving yourself, then there is no reason why you shouldn't move forward with CONFIDENCE and an EXPECTATION OF SUCCESS.
Review the following Behavioral Competencies with CONFIDENCE. Nobody is a super-person that exhibits all of these characteristics at 100%, but if you have ever worked any job then you have exhibited all of these characteristics to some degree. EMPHASIZE THE POSITIVE when you read these, and think of times on the job when you HAVE exhibited these characteristics – NOT times when you might have failed to.

What you want to demonstrate to the Hiring Manager:

Courage / Persuasion: This is your ability to increase your determination to get the job done when you are faced with resistance or a difficult situation. Show the ability to move people towards a commitment to buy or act. Demonstrate that you are fair and nice, but also show that you are aggressive and may even sometimes intimidate others. Don't be modest. Demonstrate confidence and the fact that you are not easily intimidated. Indicate the desire to influence the thinking of others. Show that you can gain agreement from others via logic, alternatives, and emotional appeals.

Beliefs / Ethics: This is your capacity to believe strongly in what you do and emphasize service. Indicate LOYALTY so that the Hiring Manager knows that you won't quit after three months – or leave your clients hanging and out of the loop. This quality is key to the development of accounts and customer satisfaction. Show that you will act in terms of what is right. Demonstrate that you follow through and actually do what you say you will do.

Commitment: This is your capacity for becoming dedicated to your work. You should demonstrate a strong belief in what you do. Demonstrate that you are willing to make a sacrifice for people when appropriate because you are a COMMITTED person. Show a strong responsibility and commitment to not only the Hiring Manager and the company, but even more importantly, to customers and clients.

Work Orientation / Stamina: This is your capacity to handle mental intensity and hard work. Indicate the high tempo and speed at which you work, and your capacity for endurance. Show that you invest the TIME and ENERGY necessary to get the job done right the first time – consistently.

Interpersonal Skills / Charm: This is your capacity to know how and when to get things done with people. Show that you are outgoing and charming, and that you are especially effective in this regard when you have an objective in mind, or need someone to do something. Demonstrate that you have an intrinsic need to win the approval of others, fit in, and get along. Show that you have the ability to build quick relationships with people.

Discipline: Demonstrate that you have inner standards that make you both predictable and productive. Show that you enjoy the responsibility of planning and carrying out your own schedule. Indicate that you can motivate yourself to work on a task until completion.

Competitiveness: This is your drive to be better than others. Show that you like to compete and have the desire to win, and show the maturity of knowing how this benefits everyone.

Focus: This is your ability to determine what is important, set priorities for tasks, and maintain direction. Show that you understand how to set short and long-term objectives, and how to intelligently schedule these objectives so that you hit your goals and complete tasks on time.

Big Picture Thinking: This is your ability to see the big picture, and not get bogged down in the minutia of small tasks. Demonstrate a tendency toward project closure. Show your ability to see "the real goal" and what it takes to get there.

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Interviewing Basics-The Ultimate guide to Job Interview Answers

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Interviewing: The Basics

Employers look for employees because they have a NEED. Don't mistake that the interview is about you – it is really about their NEED. You need to sell yourself as the right person to satisfy that need. Sure, you may have great experience, but WHAT'S IN IT FOR THEM?
Managers hire people in order to make their own job easier. How are you going to make the Hiring Manager's job easier? How are you going to make the Hiring Manager look good in THEIR boss's eyes? You need to make your skills, experience, and education relevant to THEM and their needs, goals, and situation. After every statement you make to the Hiring Manager, you need to at least mentally add " … and this will make your job easier because …" or " … and this will make you look good because …" Imagine the Hiring Manager asking "… so how would that benefit me and my needs?" Make your answers and examples relevant to THEIR needs and communicate how hiring you will benefit THEM as well as the company.

If Managers hire based on their needs, then you are going to have to uncover and reveal their needs in order to come up with answers that will get your hired. Remember that every time a hiring manager asks you a question, YOU HAVE EARNED THE RIGHT TO ASK A QUESTION OF YOUR OWN. Questions are a great follow-up to a winning answer.

Early on in the interview you should use your own questions to uncover the hidden needs of the Hiring Manager so that you can tailor your answers and attitude to show that you understand their needs and that YOU are exactly the perfect person to solve those needs.
Please see the other posts in this Guide on "Questions to Use to Uncover the Interviewer's Hidden Needs."
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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

9 Step Excerside to Calm Nerves - Job Interviewing guide

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A Quick and Simple 9-Step Exercise You Can Do That Will Calm Your Nerves Every Time

The body and the mind are connected. For instance if you engage in “negative self talk,” dwell on worry, and convince yourself that “I'm not good enough” then these mental states will manifest in the physical conditions of sweating, trembling, fast pulse, etc. In the same way, you can alter your physical conditions (body) in or to control your mental state (mind).

Try the following relaxation exercise. It is best done while you are
alone, but you can still do it without other people noticing if you skip a couple of the steps. Standing up is best, but you can also do it sitting down.

1) Stretch out a little bit -- Stretch out your arms as if you are holding a huge beach ball in front of you. Arch your back. At the same time, look up to the ceiling and sit up or stand up tall. Touch your toes.

2) Massage your diaphragm -- Your diaphragm is the soft area in the middle of your torso, right below the center of your rib cage, six inches or so above your belly button. Push in right there with both hands, and massage around a little bit. You may feel a “release” already just by doing this simple self-massage.

3) Take a deep, deep breath and hold it -- While holding your breath, relax your shoulders and neck. With your breath still held, pound on your chest a little bit with closed fists, like a gorilla -- (optional).

4) Fold your arms under you rib cage -- while still holding your breath.

5) Tightly purse your lips and EXHALE -- in four short, pressurized bursts. Pause slightly between each burst.

6) Immediately throw you arms up -- and inhale quickly and deeply, then throw your arms down to exhale quickly and completely. Don't hold your breath this time.

7) Take another deep breath and exhale completely -- and let your stomach feel open and heavy. Walk around a little bit if you can.

8) Let you jaw hang slack -- and massage your jaw muscles a little bit. Pinch your nose and clear your ears -- (optional).

9) Repeat from step one

Now that you are familiar with the main causes of nervousness, and you know a simple exercise that you can use to calm your nerves, it really comes down to one word:

We have prepared over 87 modern, trust-building, faith-generating, Eminently persuasive Job Interview Answers designed for today's
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It's basically word-for-word exactly what you need to say to get hired...
... you'll also learn how to “Package & Spin” your own work experience to tell them exactly what they want to hear.
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they could possibly throw at you ... It may be “just that one” Great Answer or Intelligent Phrase that gives the Interviewer confidence in you -- AND GETS YOU HIRED.

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Understanding the reasons why you get nervous

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Understanding the Reasons Why You Get Nervous Everybody gets nervous.
A certain level of nervousness is natural and acceptable, and it may even help you perform a bit better. It's true, at a Job Interview you have a lot on the line. There are very good reasons for you to want to perform at your best -- just don't let “performance anxiety” get in the way of you communicating naturally and putting your best foot forward. Sweating. Butterflies. Shakiness. Tight throat. Fast pulse. These are uncomfortable symptoms that impact your confidence level at a time when confidence is crucial. Controlling these symptoms begins with an understanding of the reasons why you get nervous before a Job Interview. The reasons why people get nervous:
1) A lack of understanding of the connection between mind and body.
It's the thoughts in your mind that make your body sweat or shake when you get nervous. Control your thoughts and you can stop uncomfortable feelings in your body. Move your body in certain ways, and you can stop the negative thoughts in your mind. See the “9-step Exercise” in part-two.

2) Negative thinking.
Worry does not accomplish anything. People never worry about positive things -- they only worry about negative things. You can then let go of worry if you replace your negative thoughts with positive thoughts. Try this: before you go into your Job Interview make a short list of positive things. Positive things about yourself, about your skills & abilities, about your personality. Things that will make you feel better and more confident. Perhaps some happy moments from your past. Write these things down, and consider taping to the piece of paper a picture of your family, your grandmother, your children, your favorite relaxing vacation spot, or the new car you'll be able to afford when you get the job. Keep this in your pocket or in your purse when you go in to the Interview. Whatever you do, catch yourself whenever you start engaging in “negative thinking,” and purposefully replace those poison thoughts with positive, confident thoughts.
3) Poor self-image, low self-esteem.
Nobody is a “super person” who has no faults. Don't beat yourself up! The company has a need, and you can fill that need -- warts and all. The company is showing confidence in you already, otherwise you would not have been invited to the Interview. Just the fact alone that you got the Interview should boost your self-image and self-esteem. Think positively about yourself!
4) Improper valuation of your own abilities.
You are probably better and worth more than you think. From time to time you may have heard other people belittle themselves by saying “I'm no good at this” when it is clear to you that they are plenty good, or very close to being good. Give yourself and your abilities more credit.
5) Insufficient skills required for the job you are interviewing for.
Maybe you really don't have the level of skills required for the job. If this is the case, think positively. Do you think everyone starts their first day on the job as a total expert? No. Most people improve their skills after they get hired. Perhaps the company expects you to “learn on the job” to some degree. Remember, your whole goal for the Interview is to get the offer. You can improve your skills AFTER you get the job. Don't worry about it beforehand. Just go for it.
6) Lack of knowledge about the company, industry or job responsibilities.
Of course this would make you nervous. This is a simple one to solve. Do your homework! Spend the time to research the company, products, competitors, etc. Make sure you completely understand thejob description and responsibilities before you go in for your Interview -- AND come prepared with thoughtful questions.
7) Not enough practice at interviewing. Practice makes perfect.
As is suggested in “The Ultimate Guide to Job Interview Answers,” you should stage multiple practice interviews where you have a friend ask you the toughest questions so that you can practice your winning answers. You might also consider interviewing for a couple jobs that you really don't care about, and would turn down if you got the offer -- just to practice and get your game sharp.
8) Mental hang-ups.
Maybe your parents always told you that you were not good enough, or maybe you have an idea about other people and their intentions that is just plain wrong. As hard as it may be, try to keep an open mind and see the future as bright and wide open. This will go a long way in helping you control your nerves.
9) Being a perfectionist.
It is good to strive for greatness, but everything you do does not have to be 100% perfect. If something is not right (for instance, if you spill a bit of coffee on yourself before your interview) then just accept it. Don't dwell on it. Taking something 80% of the way there is often good enough. Don't worry if everything is not EXACTLY how it should be. Just continue to visualize a positive outcome despite any imperfections you notice in yourself, the situation, or other people.
10) Bad health.
You can't perform at your best if you are hung-over, sick, or overtired. When your body is run down, your nerves will get the best of you. Try to exercise several days in a row before critical interviews, and make sure to eat the right meal at the right time and get plenty of rest. You want to get hired, don't you? Take these simple steps to ensure your health is in decent shape.
11) Worry about money, or anything other problems that occupy your mind.
Stay focused. Stay on message. You are trying to sell yourself. The interview is not about you, or your problems. The interview about THE COMPANY'S NEEDS -- and how you will save the company time and money, or how you will make your future boss look good while making his or her job easier. Remember that you are trying to solve the needs of the company, and the work-related needs of the person that you will be reporting to. Put your own personal worries out of your mind during the interview and FOCUS on the company's needs, and the needs of the OTHER PEOPLE who you will be working with. Remember that the interview is really not about you, it's about them.
13) Excessive self-awareness.
Don't “listen to yourself talk.” Don't “watch yourself from the outside.” Don't over-analyze yourself and your performance. Don't obsess on your appearance, your body language, or be overly concerned with how you might be “coming off.” Try to be yourself and communicate as naturally as possible. Imagine that you are having a conversation with a specific close friend of yours. Someone who you are totally comfortable with. Be truly concerned about the OTHER PERSON, not yourself.
14) Unfamiliar surroundings and circumstances.
Maybe you have never worked in a big office before. Or maybe you have never worked in a small office. Or maybe you are are interviewing in an environment that is totally new and unfamiliar to you. Don't let your surroundings distract you! Once again, stay focused, and stay on message. Even if you are freaked out (or intrigued) by what you see, just relax, look alive, and act like you know.
Understanding the Reasons Why You Get Nervous

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Thursday, May 1, 2008

How to Use this guide

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The Ultimate Guide to
Job Interview Answers 2008
Use these job interview answers to increase your confidence,
build rapport, effectively sell yourself, overcome objections,
and deliver a stellar performance that will get you hired!
Congratulations on your smart decision to invest in yourself and your
future! This Guide is written for both first time job hunters and
seasoned professionals alike. We assume that you are already familiar
with the basics of preparing a decent resume and cover letter. This is
why there is no BS filler or author ego stories in this Guide. The only
thing you will find here are pure, time-tested interviewing strategies
and techniques, proven Interview Answers, and real-world scripts and
examples that you can use right away to confidently go into your
interview – and ACE IT!
How to use this Guide
The layout of this Guide is designed to allow you to easily flip to the
appropriate page when preparing for an interview. We suggest when
you first start working with this Guide that you read the answers out
loud and listen to your voice as you read them. This is important! Read
the answers out loud and get comfortable with the shrewd and
intelligent language.
The next step would be to stage several "practice interviews" where
you have a friend ask you the questions – and again simply read your
answers from the Guide. This way you can choose the answers that
best fit your personal communication style and job history and
experience. Finally, stage a practice interview that is as close to the
real thing as possible. Grade yourself, and continue practice
interviewing with your friend until you are confident that are you are
prepared to strategically deliver a performance that will get you hired.
These Winning Answers will be right at the tip of your tongue when
"judgment day" comes!
Do yourself a favor and print out this Guide right away. You'll be
flipping through the pages over and over again as you prepare for your
interviews. You'll even want to keep this Guide and study it even after
you get the job. Every time you meet a person in a professional
setting you will be prepared to intelligently sell yourself and answer
any question that could possibly come your way.
Spend some time with this Guide and give it your best. You will have a
serious arsenal for when you go in to conquer an interview and get the
job. Nothing will be able to trip you up!

Guide to interview and success blogspot
Best Interview Tricks and Tips
Jobs offers from All MNC companies

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